The Gift of Your Life

“"The time has come for the Josephite, Johannine, Pauline, and Priestly principles to be lifted up

through the maternal formation of Our Lady.”

-Mother Adela Galindo, SCTJM Foundress

Your greatest task is to discover the vocation of your life…

  • What is the path of love and total donation of self by which I will achieve the full realization of my being?
  • What is the design of love, the plan of love for which I was created?
  • When God thought of you, what did He think? What did He say to your soul?
  • What unique and unrepeatable role should you occupy in history?
  • How does God need me to build His Kingdom here on earth?
  • How can I be leaven in the world so that the values of the Kingdom may build a society, a new civilization of love?
  • How can I spread His Word, the seed, in the soil of the contemporary world?
  • How can I live my primary vocation to love the Lord with all my heart, all my soul, and all my strength?
  • How can I do the greatest good for humanity? How can I make of my life a sincere gift of self, in totality, unconditionality, and permanence?

A vocation is the fruit of a dialogue of the Heart of God with the human heart, and vice versa. God invites, reveals, proposes the path to follow as a concrete form of total donation of oneself, and the human heart should respond, with full freedom and with pure intention.

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Go to Joseph!

Go to Joseph! is our Vocational Discernment Group for young men, ages 17 - 33, who are seeking to intentionally discern religious life!

Heart of John

Heart of John is a Vocational Discernment Group for young men, ages 13-16, who have a desire to serve the Lord and seek to learn more about the religious vocation and to grow in a life of prayer and service.

Four Vows

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with a generous and diligent heart, to detach myself of all things to have the Heart of Jesus as my only inheritance and treasure and to freely give all that I am and have for the common good of our Institute.


with a spousal and undivided heart, to love the Heart of Jesus with a total, oblative and unconditional dedication and to be open to receive and communicate the fecundity that flows from the potency of this communion of love.

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with a receptive and docile heart, to responsibly and effectively dispose myself to fulfill the designs of love of the Heart of Jesus manifested through my legitimate superiors and the government of our Institute.

Total availability to the Heart of Christ:

Total Identification with the Heart, Person, and Mission of Christ.

Five Principles

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Marian Principle:

To live under the total guidance and possession of Our Lady so as to become Marian-masculine hearts.That as Christ was formed by her Immaculate Heart, we may also allow her to form our hearts after His heart.

Priestly Principle:

To allow ourselves to be pierced as Christ did in order to give abundant life.

Josephite Principle:

To enflesh the virginal, spousal, and paternal love of St. Joseph who was the first Servant of the Two Hearts.

Johannine Principle:

To be hearts after the heart of St. John who deeply contemplated the mysteries of the Heart of Christ and brought Our Lady into his home, allowing her to form him and guide him, being a true son of Her Heart.

Pauline Principle:

To have the missionary ardor of St. Paul, going freely

to wherever the Lord asks of us with apostolic zeal.

Religious Brothers

A Religious Brother is a man who consecrates himself to God through the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience; and, in our case, a fourth vow of total Identification with Christ. Living the prophetic memory of Christ, as a brother to humanity, the primary mission of the Religious Brother is to reveal the love of the Father and help reconcile humanity to Him, as Christ did. This is practically manifested through our apostolic missions and ministries, serving in the Heart of the Church.

Religious Priests

After a period of service as a simply professed Religious Brother, his own profound discernment, and that of the community, a Religious Brother may begin seminary and a modified plan of formation, taking into account the formation he has already received, to be ordained a Religious Priest. Once ordained, he is able to allow Christ to reach others through him through the sacramental life of the Church. His apostolic missions and ministries are centered in and flow from the administration of the Sacraments, especially the Holy Eucharist and The Sacrament of Reconciliation.

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