Who are we?

The Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Religious Brothers and Priests is the male branch of the Religious Family of the Pierced Hearts, founded in 2020 by Mother Adela Galindo and erected as a Public Clerical Association of the Faithful by Archbishop Thomas Wenski. We are a mixed community of religious brothers and religious priests called to serve in the heart of the Catholic Church.

Learn more:





Mother Foundress

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Spiritual and Apostolic Charism

Religious Brothers

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Religious Family

Religious Priests

Be a YOUNG KNIGHT of the Pierced Hearts!

Make the pledge to:

  • Pray St. Maximilian Kolbe's Consecration to Mary Daily
  • Pray a Decade of the Holy Rosary Daily
  • Adore Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament Weekly
  • Wear a Miraculous Medal
  • Receive Formation Monthly

Your Mission:

  • Conquer the World for the Pierced Hearts!

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Bulletin Board without frame, corck board background.
red thumbtack push pin

Sunday, July 21

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red thumbtack push pin
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Go to Joseph!

Vocational Discernment Group

Eucharistic Cenacle

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2024 Aim Higher miami

Men's Retreat

easter vigil mass

@ the sanctuary of Lourdes

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Today's Daily Reflection

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Aim Higher

Men's Retreat

Spotify Glyph Logo

Parish parent

Faith Formation





vocational Retreat

Aim Higher

Men's Retreat

Archdiocese vocations Event

Our Mother Foundress

Mother Adela Galindo, after founding the female community of the Servants of The Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary in 1990, felt the Lord calling her to give Him Priests and Brothers who would console his heart: they would be born of the wound of His Sacred Heart and womb of Our Lady.

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A Religious Family in the Heart of the Church

The SCTJM Brothers and Priests are part of the Religious Family of the Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary. While the Brothers and the Sisters are two separate institutes, having the boundaries proper to Religious Life, they are also part of the same Religious Family and thus are united by the same charism. The primary manifestation of this communion is expressed through mutual prayer and service, particularly in those missions in which both Institutes will serve together.

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Spiritual Charism

Rays of halo light and catholic rays. Art tattoo, symbol of religion pride and glory. Angel and saints ring nimbus.

To be the living image and presence of the Heart, Person, and Mission of Christ in the heart of the Church and to place our masculine genius and Marian charism in loving communion and service with the Marian-Apostolic-Petrine Principle.


Totally dedicating our lives in love to the Eucharistic Heart

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Allowing ourselves to be formed by Our Lady to be men after the Heart of Christ


Actively communicating and receiving the gifts

of the Holy Spirit

In the Heart

of the Church

Generously offering our masculine genius and our paternal potentialities in loving service to the Marian-Apostolic-Petrine Principle

Apostolic Mission

Our apostolic mission flows from our consecrated vocation, daily prayer, and fraternal life. We are called to enflesh the all-embracing, pastoral-oblative love of Christ for humanity, living out our apostolic charism to be ardent witnesses of the power and fecundity of love and the Splendor of the Magisterium and Treasures of the Church so as to form the human heart. In this way, we are called to help build a new civilization of love, truth, life, and solidarity in the heart of the Church and in the heart of the world. While Religious Brothers and Religious Priests have different primary missions, they always serve together in full communion, expressing the complementarity of their vocations. Our ministries include:

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Men's Retreats

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Campus Ministry

For Religious Brothers:

  • Teaching and Campus Ministry in Middle Schools, High Schools, and Universities
  • Liturgical Ministry
  • Spiritual Accompaniment
  • Pastoral Assistants for Parishes or Dioceses
  • Parish or Diocesan leadership and administration positions
  • Directors of Religious Education and Catechists
  • Faith Formation through talks and courses
  • Retreat Planning and Youth Ministry
  • Serving in Missions and pilgrimages
  • Serving the Poor and Immigrant Communities
  • Evangelization through the Means of Communication & Multimedia

relic pilgrimages



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youth Music Ministry

faith formation

The Celebration of the Holy Mass

The sacrament of reconciliation

For Religious Priests:

  • The Celebration of the Sacraments, especially the Holy Eucharist and Sacrament of Reconciliation.
  • Serving as Pastors or Parochial Vicars in parishes.
  • Serving as a Hospital or Hospice Chaplain.
  • Visiting the homebound and administering the last rites and burying the deceased.
  • Serving as Chaplains for High Schools or Universities.
  • Teaching at Seminaries and Universities.
  • Serving in Pilgrimages and Missions
  • Spiritual Accompaniment
  • Evangelization through the Means of Communication & Multimedia

vivet youth adoration


faith formation

Daily Reflection

video series


Religious Brothers

A Religious Brother is a man who consecrates himself to God through the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience; and, in our case, a fourth vow of total Identification with Christ. Living the prophetic memory of Christ, as a brother to humanity, the primary mission of the Religious Brother is to reveal the love of the Father and help reconcile humanity to Him, as Christ did. This is practically manifested through our apostolic missions and ministries, serving in the Heart of the Church.

Religious Priests

After a period of service as a simply professed Religious Brother, his own profound discernment, and that of the community, a Religious Brother may begin seminary and a modified plan of formation, taking into account the formation he has already received, to be ordained a Religious Priest. Once ordained, he is able to allow Christ to reach others through him through the sacramental life of the Church. His apostolic missions and ministries are centered in and flow from the administration of the Sacraments, especially the Holy Eucharist and The Sacrament of Reconciliation.

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Our Religious Habit

The habit of the brothers, as defined by our community, is a visible sign of our spousal - virginal love, our life ​of poverty, obedience, and of belonging to our religious family. The Servants wear the habit of our ​community which consists of a taupe tunic which has a square opening at the collar to make visible the white ​clerical shirt for religious priests or a white shirt for the religious brothers. It will also consist of a simple hood, ​five buttons symbolizing our five principles and the five wounds of Christ, a burgundy belt from which hangs ​a rosary with the twenty mysteries, and burgundy closed-toed shoes. Their habits have the embroidered logo ​of the community on the upper left side, close to the heart. They will also wear the SCTJM Cross.

The Hood

The inner collar

The Hood is a symbol of the recollection and consecration of the Religious.

The Inner Collar is the diferentiating factor between the habit of our Religious Brothers and Religious Priests. With a clerical collar , the habit of the Religious Priest can be identified. With the oxford collar, that of the Religious Brother.


Our Logo, given in 1995 to our Mother Foundress, and blessed by St. John Paul II, represents the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, indissolubly united in their piercing, the crown of thorns, and the crown of Our Lady. This represents the Triumph of the Pierced Hearts.

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The Inner shirt

Our Inner Shirt is white, to represent the purity of our internal being, of our heart to have total, pure, and undivided love for Christ and the Church.

Five Buttons

The Five Buttons at the center of the habit represent the Five Wounds of Jesus Christ in His Passion and our Five Principals: Marian, Priestly, Josephite, Johannine, and Pauline Principles. These principles allow us to live our missions and identity, found in the person of Christ.

The outer Collar

Our Outer Collar is square, as an apron, symbolizing the role of the servant.

Our Belt

the crucifix

Our burgundy crucifix contains both the image of the Pelican and the logo of our community. This represents the sacrifice of Our Lord on the cross that we are called to enflesh.

Our Burgundy Belt represents the oblative love, present in our vow of chastity. For love to be true, it must be sacrificial.

Our shoes

Our Burgundy Shoes represent the way which we are to serve, with oblative, sacraficial love.

the Rosary

Our Burgundy Rosary contains all twenty mysteries, symbolizing the oblative love that is the basis of our community life. As each brother and priest is called to enflesh a particular mystery of the Holy Rosary with their life, in our Rosary, our whole community is present.

The Colors of our Habit

The colors are reminiscent of the time of Jesus and Our Lady, of The Incarnation:

- Taupe represents humility.

- White represents purity.

- Burgundy represents oblative, sacrificial love.

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Our Religious Institute's Logo

The Crown of the Triumph of Love

Crowned with the crown of Our Lady, our logo represents the Triumph of of the Two Hearts, going with us wherever we may serve.

The Eucharist

The Pierced Hearts are inside The Eucharist, which is the center of our lives and logo.

The Pierced Hearts

The Hearts of Jesus and Mary are indissolubly united and at the center.

Showing both the hearts of Jesus and Mary, both male and female branches of our Institute can be seen.

The Crown of Thorns

The Crown of Thorns, that unites the Pierced Hearts in their suffering, is a sign and call for us to console them with our lives.

The Lance

The Lance shows the unity of the Pierced Hearts in their suffering and the oblative, life-giving, and sacrificial love that allows their sufferings to be the source of our life and mission.

The Blood and Water

The Blood and Water which flow from the Pierced Hearts symbolize oblative love and life-giving purity.

The Rays

The Rays represent our various missions in which the Triumph of the Pierced Hearts reaches through our charism.

Our Hands

The hands of the Sisters and Brothers receive the blood and water which pour from the Heart of Christ, careful not to allow any of it to fall upon the ground. They also symbolize our calling to be custodians of the treasures of the Church.

Four Vows

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with a generous and diligent heart, to detach myself of all things to have the Heart of Jesus as my only inheritance and treasure and to freely give all that I am and have for the common good of our Institute.


with a spousal and undivided heart, to love the Heart of Jesus with a total, oblative and unconditional dedication and to be open to receive and communicate the fecundity that flows from the potency of this communion of love.

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with a receptive and docile heart, to responsibly and effectively dispose myself to fulfill the designs of love of the Heart of Jesus manifested through my legitimate superiors and the government of our Institute.

Total availability to the Heart of Christ:

Total Identification with the Heart, Person, and Mission of Christ.

Five Principles

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Marian Principle:

To live under the total guidance and possession of Our Lady so as to become Marian-masculine hearts.That as Christ was formed by her Immaculate Heart, we may also allow her to form our hearts after His heart.

Priestly Principle:

To allow ourselves to be pierced as Christ did in order to give abundant life.

Josephite Principle:

To enflesh the virginal, spousal, and paternal love of St. Joseph who was the first Servant of the Two Hearts.

Johannine Principle:

To be hearts after the heart of St. John who deeply contemplated the mysteries of the Heart of Christ and brought Our Lady into his home, allowing her to form him and guide him, being a true son of Her Heart.

Pauline Principle:

To have the missionary ardor of St. Paul, going freely

to wherever the Lord asks of us with apostolic zeal.

Where are we?

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SCTJM Religious

Brothers and Priests

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sacred Heart

House of Formation

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Sacred Heart

House of Formation

Miami, FL 33145

Make a Donation


Monoline Hand with Dollar Coin Icon

Cash Donations can be made in-person at any of our events.

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Checks can be made out to

"SCTJM Religious Brothers and Priests"

and mailed to

3098 SW 14th St. Miami, FL 33145

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Your generosity helps support our mission of evangelization!

Thank you very much!

All rights reserved.

© 2023 SCTJM Religious Brothers and Priests